New Poll Shows Gingrich Closing on Romney

A Public Policy Polling poll shows Mitt Romney leading the pack — with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich closing the gap one week from the first-in-the-south presidential primary in South Carolina.

Polling data suggests that Romney’s slim leader status may be buttressed by the Palmetto State electorate’s current take on his ultimate electibilty in the 2012 national contest.

The poll released yesterday shows the former Massachussetts governor at 29 percent support, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 24 percent and a tight battle for third and fourth place with Texas Cong. Ron Paul at 15 percent and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum with 14 percent.

More so than PPP found in Iowa and New Hampshire, voters in South Carolina are concerned about whether the person they back can actually defeat President Barack Obama.

Fifty percent say they are concerned about that, and there is a strong feeling in South Carolina that Romney will be the nominee. Thirty-seven percent say they are more concerned about where the candidate they support stands on the issues.

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