The Lesson From The Trayvon Martin Shooting? Life Sucks

In light of the Feb. 26 Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Fla., apparently by George Zimmerman, Americans need a simple reminder: Life sucks.

To articulate that in a more professional manner, bad things happen. No amount of whining about the injustice of it all will change a single thing. Your parents were right when they said life is not fair.

What Americans, especially black Americans and those liberals suffering from white guilt, need to remember is that not everything is about race.

Unfortunately, President Barack Obama, with his irresponsible remarks, and other so-called black leaders have made this about race. How a violent clash between two minorities is a racial issue shows the illogic of the American left and the modern “civil rights” movement.

There are three comments that need made about the whole affair.

First, the behavior of Obama, the civil rights “leaders” and the national media have been disgraceful.

Read More at OfficialWire By Thomas Lucente                   Photo Credit: werthmedia Creative Commons