Huckabee Tells Christians to Come Out of their Closets

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told a Christian gathering in New York on Saturday that it is believers’ responsibility to get more involved in civic life, give a bold declaration of the life of the Gospel, and not live as if they were “recruited by the Secret Service.”

“I think a lot of Christian people tend to think they need to disassociate themselves from cultural pillars. I think it’s the opposite,” said the former presidential candidate, the keynote speaker at Saturday night’s kickoff banquet in Cicero, N.Y., for a new non-profit organization, Ten Good Men Inc.

“Christians in this country could be the most important source for good in America if they would execute their basic civic responsibilities,” said Huckabee, a Fox News Channel personality. “Many (Christians) think they were recruited by the Secret Service instead of giving a bold declaration of the life of the Gospel.”

Huckabee added that Christians should not blame “things that putrefy and get spoiled, because that’s what things do when they’re left alone and godless.” If things are dark, it’s the Christians who are going to turn the lights on, he said. “If politics is dirty in this country, it’s dirty because not enough good, clean people get involved.”

Huckabee told the 130 guests at the banquet that only about half of Christians were registered to vote, and further only half of those registered actually cast a ballot.

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