Why Gun Control Is a Loser for the Democrats

There is nothing so comforting as a closely held prejudice, even when it repeatedly harms you. The white-hot passion of Democratic politicians to restrict and even strip Americans of their constitutionally guaranteed right to buy, own, keep, shoot and carry firearms continues as a monument to self-abuse.

Simply put, the gun control issue is a loser. It doesn’t matter that the paid consultants, the lobbyists from the gun-prohibition industry, or the East Coast media all assure candidates that it’s now safe to come out of hiding and proclaim their open hatred of the very concept of self-defense and protecting your family. The history of Democrats who push to rip away the rights of millions of Americans constitutes a list of “whatever happened to” candidates. From dozens of Democrats who lost their seats in Congress because of their gun-ban vote in 1994 to Al Gore’s anti-rights position, which has been credited with costing him the presidency, the party of “trust the government for your personal safety” keeps having to relearn the lesson. In point of fact, their own party put out a paper some years ago warning candidates to not talk about gun control, calling it a loser issue . . .

Now Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders fight to establish who is the strongest anti-Constitution candidate. It’s a clear indication neither they nor their advisers actually talk to real people outside the Washington cocktail circuit.

For more than 20 years I’ve hosted a national radio talk show about guns, and through that I’ve talked with thousands of people across the country — people who have owned guns all their lives, people who only recently bought a gun, and people who have never owned a gun but now want to. Typically, I’ll ask why they are thinking of buying their first gun, and the answer always is that they want to protect themselves and their families. They have looked at the news, studied the events, watched the videos of attacks on the streets, and they have concluded that no one else will be on the scene to protect them. Oh, and fully a third of first-time handgun buyers these days are women, so put aside that mental image of a demographic which can be ignored. (Read more from “Why Gun Control Is a Loser for the Democrats” HERE)

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