Sean Hannity Puts Claims of Plagiarism Against Melania Trump Into Perspective

During her Monday appearance at the Republican National Convention, Melania Trump was hailed for delivering an excellent speech in both content and tone.

Shortly after, however, critics began piecing together evidence which they claim is proof Trump plagiarized a speech delivered by Michelle Obama during the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

In particular, critics pointed to two lines in the speech where both Obama and Trump call for hard work, honesty, and treating people with respect.

While some similarities certainly do exist, many have rebuffed these concerns, pointing out the generic words and subject matter used by Trump are insufficient to allege plagiarism.

Ironically, it has also been pointed out that plagiarism is not exactly uncommon in politics, with Democrats engaging in the activity from time to time as well.

Taking to Facebook, Fox News host Sean Hannity posted an informational meme which describes numerous instance of plagiarism from several high ranking Democratic figures, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden.

Even more ironic is the allegation that Michelle Obama plagiarized in the very speech Melania Trump has been accused of taking from, yet the media reaction has mostly been inconsistent.

In the case of Trump, the debacle has been talked about frequently by media pundits — spanning from late Monday evening all the way through Tuesday — and is unlikely to die down any time soon.

On the other hand, there was little to no outrage against Obama for her own supposed use of plagiarism.

While it is not yet clear whether these allegations will negatively impact the Trump campaign, Republicans have already begun calling on the media to focus on issues of substance. (For more from the author of “Sean Hannity Puts Claims of Plagiarism Against Melania Trump Into Perspective” please click HERE)

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