Controversy Follows on Her Heels as Melania Takes to the Garden

The sirens of the fashion police were blaring Friday after Melania Trump ventured forth into the White House garden.

“Melania Trump has made another public appearance in a pricey outfit,” wrote Kate Taylor on Business Insider, contrasting Melania Trump’s outfit, which included a plaid shirt that looked ordinary but had started life with a $1,380 price tag, with the gardening fashions of Michelle Obama.

“Obama used the garden as a place to showcase her down-to-earth fashion,” Taylor wrote, noting that Obama was praised for wearing J. Crew sweaters to show her common touch.

Some commenters didn’t even care about the facts as they attacked Melania Trump.

As multiple pictures showed, she wore sneakers.

Independent Journal Review decided the fuss belonged on the compost heap and looked into a true comparison of first lady outfits. He noted that Obama wore Jimmy Choo boots that retail for $1,150, while Melania Trump wore $50 Converse sneakers.

“So depending on how you look at it, Michelle Obama is the really out-of-touch first lady gardening. Her shoes were potentially $1,100 more expensive then Melania’s,” he wrote.

You can catch Obama’s pricey boots here, just after the 4:10 mark:

He then suggested that trying to diminish the first lady by attacking her clothes was a waste of time.

“Perhaps the lesson we should all learn here is that a first lady is a human being with a lot of pressure on her and we should stop trying to attack them based on their fashion choices,” he wrote, adding, “All first ladies wear expensive things, idiots.”

During her time in the garden with members of a local Boys & Girls Club to harvest a variety of vegetables, Melania Trump stressed the need for healthy eating.

“I’m a big believer in healthy eating because it reflects on your mind and your body, and I encourage you to continue to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits so you grow up healthy and take care of yourself. It’s very important,” said the former model. (For more from the author of “Controversy Follows on Her Heels as Melania Takes to the Garden” please click HERE)

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