Bill (Not a Scientist) Nye: Fertilized Eggs ‘Are Not Human’

Bill Nye is up to his old tricks again. This time, rather than sexualizing ice cream, he’s attacking the unborn, which only helps to service his population control agenda.

In a piece for the site Big Think 2015, the science guy, who is not a scientist, unloaded some rather unscientific nonsense onto people by saying “fertilized eggs are not human.” For some reason, Big Think got all nostalgic and decided to repost it on their Facebook page.

In the video, Nye claims that pro-lifers who view fertilized eggs as human suffer “a deep lack of scientific understanding,” because human life does not occur until the egg implants in the mother’s uterus.

“You literally don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says. “If you say, ‘When an egg is fertilized, it has the same rights as an individual!’ who are you going to sue? Every woman who’s had a fertilized egg pass through her?” He then takes this nonscientific argument to plug a political talking on abortion, which has nothing to do with science. (Read more from “Bill (Not a Scientist) Nye: Fertilized Eggs ‘Are Not Human'” HERE)

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