‘First Transgender Family’ Now Transitioning Their 5-Year-Old Son to Female

A family dubbed Britain’s “first transgender family” has announced that they are encouraging the gender transition of their five-year-old son, Jayden. According to the family, Jayden, a biological male, likes dresses and hates “everything about being a boy.”

The little boy’s “step-dad,” Greg Rogers, is a 27-year-old biological female who now identifies as a male. The child’s mother is a 21-year-old woman named Jody.

Both Jodi and Greg are furious that concerned citizens (referred to as “trolls” by many U.K.-based outlets) have reported them to social services for apparent child abuse. The couple, however, maintain Jayden — who is on track to medically “transition” in a few years — is properly cared for. . .

As reported by The Daily Wire in February, parents actually lost custody of their child for refusing to encourage a gender transition:

Ohio parents were denied custody of their daughter for not being supportive enough of her alleged transgenderism. The 17-year-old biologically female child identifies as a boy and claims she has suicidal thoughts over her parents’ lack of support for her transgenderism (they won’t, for example, call her by her new chosen male name). The parents were fighting for custody of their daughter back from the state in an effort to stop potential transgender hormone treatment.

(Read more from “‘First Transgender Family’ Now Transitioning Their 5-Year-Old Son to Female” HERE)

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