Obama’s Anti-Drilling Policies Stifle Job Recovery
President Obama is clearly an anti-energy activist. He has placed the Environmental Protection Agency under the authority of Lisa Jackson, a regulatory zealot – and is doing everything in his power to destroy America’s energy industry.
One of Obama’s anti-energy tactics is to block or lengthen the time it takes to get approval for an oil lease in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil is the lifeblood of the American economy – that’s why Obama has targeted it.
Back in July, the House Oversight Committee released a report on Obama’s effective destruction of oil drilling jobs.
House Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) noted:
“The Obama Administration has systematically blocked domestic energy production in the Gulf of Mexico, and today’s report puts that action in stark terms. It documents a 250 percent increase in the deepwater exploration permit backlog with a decrease of nearly 80 percent for plan approvals and deepwater drilling. That means a loss of $9 billion dollars in capital investment in 2011, along with a projected loss to the government of $25 billion in royalties and tax payments over the next 3 years, to say nothing of the tens of thousands of jobs lost.
“Our domestic energy resources are the largest in the world. Tapping these resources will create more than 500,000 jobs in the next three years, grow the economy and put us on the path to recovery.”
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Read More at epaabuse.com By Frank York, epaabuse.com