What’s next for Sarah Palin? How about a ‘supercommittee’ of governors?

What’s next for Sarah Palin? She seems at the moment to be finding a role as a general commentator, remarking on Ron Paul’s foreign policy and whatnot. That is, she seems to be at loose ends. There is much more she could do as an Alaskan, in terms of advancing regionalism and states as laboratories, as Rick Perry talks about it.

Palin’s role these past two years has been much as the La Passionara of the Tea Party movement. Seeing her at the Nashville Tea Party Congress at the beginning showed a connection to this rustic grassroots movement, which brought it to large recognition.

But something happened in the interim. Old-school professionals like Dick Armey commandeered the rising spirit and it became an unfocused conservative howl, and old-fashioned country rant against those effete Washington people.

The Tea Party has lost its original intent. State sovereignty issues as they are maturely discussed by Andrew Napolitano on Freedom Watch and Thomas Woods and Rick Perry and governors like Butch Otter of Idaho and candidates like Alaska’s Joe Miller and advanced by legislators like Delegate Jim LeMunyon of Virginia need some time to percolate. And there couldn’t be a better Petri dish than Alaska.

A sympathetic president like Perry cannot dictate these changes top down. They have to rise up from the states and governors must take the initiative. And the status of governors must be enhanced. Palin is in the perfect position to bring leadership to this new direction.

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 Read More at The Hill By Bernie Quigley, The Hill