Mercy in the style of the “Religion of Peace”; diplomacy in the style of Barack Obama

Barack Obama and his State Department who cheered the success of the “Arab Spring” revolutions in the Middle East over this past year should be made to explain the latest example of “mercy” as practiced by Islam “the religion of peace.”

In 2006 an Iranian woman was tried and convicted of committing adultery. She was sentenced to death by stoning which is the way strict adherents to Islamic laws demand such people ought to be executed. Soon after the sentence was handed down, the woman’s execution was put on hold because “foreign governments and human rights groups” appealed to the Iranians for some relief for her.

Now to show how reasonable and modern they are, the Iran Islamists who don’t execute murderers, are studying their laws to see if they can substitute hanging her instead of stoning her to death. This is the essence of “negotiations” when Islamists are on the opposite side of the table.

“Arab Spring”

Until last spring Egypt was as close to a modern nation as could be found in North Africa. It had the respect of Muslim and non-Muslim countries, a relatively stable economic system and an honorable government which was living up to its treaties with Israel and other Western aligned nations. All of that changed with the ouster of Hosni Mubarak and his government which was cheered on by the dopes in the western media and facilitated by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton his stooge in the State Department. Neither Obama nor Clinton wanted to talk about who was actually revolting in Egypt they were too busy reliving the 60’s.

The “revolutionaries” were the Muslim Brotherhood who had kept a low profile under Mubarak a man who knew their true aim is the spread of Islam around the world. Mubarak is gone now and the Muslim Brotherhood which has just announced it wants to model itself after Hamas is poised to take control. Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants Sharia law everywhere and Israel to be pushed into the sea.

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 Read More at Coach Is Right By Kevin “Coach” Collins, Coach Is Right