Why The 11th Commandment Was Important, or, Et Tu, Brute…(or Mitt, or Rick, or Ron…)?

Once again, we have Newt Gingrich show why we need this year’s primary season to continue into the Republican Convention. While some of the others are trying to jump into Newt’s shoes, and go after the media for their lies and twisting of the facts we all know, Newt not only points out the medias misrepresentations, he also demolishes the policies of this failed, (from an American’s point of view), president.

Newt realizes who the real target is. He, from the inside of the electoral process, and Sarah Palin from the outside, is more interested in bringing down Obama than playing gotcha games.

The MSM loves to point out how the Republican field is taking a beating in the polls because of the divisive debates and attacks amongst the candidates.

No one points out that had they followed the lead Newt Gingrich tried to set, and stayed away from attacking each other, this division would not have occurred.

Can you imagine if instead of following the smear machine tactics of Mitt Romney, the candidates had instead turned each and every question from the media against the real target, Obama?

 Read More at Coach Is Right By Kevin “Coach” Collins, Coach Is Right