Whining Democrat asks, “Can our country govern itself?”

“Until we address the crisis of the failure of our institutions to resolve the significant challenges we face, don’t expect progress on any of them.” Could any statement be more decidedly emblematic of leftist doctrine than the claim that only government and its institutions are equipped to solve the problems of life? Never mind that these are usually problems created by government in its endless quest to solve longstanding problems previously created by government!

Two months ago, Barack Obama’s signature “Affordable Care Act” made an unexpected appearance before the United States Supreme Court. Unexpected, that is, because few if any of the ruling class left which wrote and passed the massive statute believed such a compassionate endeavor could meet with serious criticism. That the American people overwhelmingly opposed the left’s assault on their liberty was, of course, not considered “serious.”

ObamaCare had a rough three days of oral argument before the Justices, leading pundits throughout the liberal media to proclaim Barack Obama’s noble attempt at autocratic altruism in danger of being overturned. How could such a thing be possible? As five Justices had been nominated to the Court by Republican presidents, obviously they would rule the individual mandate unconstitutional, perhaps taking down other bits of the law for good measure. A clear case of judicial activism according to the left.

Yet because Supreme Court Justices did their job of asking hard questions about the clearly unconstitutional individual mandate, “one Democrat member of Congress told reporters…that if the Court were to strike down [ObamaCare], doing so would create chaos and would raise some serious questions, including ‘Can our country govern itself…’

Can our country govern itself? For 2 years, Democrats enjoyed an unassailable majority in both House and Senate, allowing the left to pass ObamaCare without a single Republican vote. Obama himself has defied the Constitution and bypassed congress by means of executive order. Yet when a co-equal branch of government performs the task for which it was created, the left whine that the system is broken and the process of governing no longer possible.

Read More at Western Journalism. By Doug Book.