Obama’s Post-Racial America

For the better part of his time in the national spotlight, the current White House occupant (with a major assist from obedient “progressive” Party Pravda puppies so eager for approval from their anointed one they have adopted criminally negligent journalistic practices) has meticulously hidden his racist self.

Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, the man who said when it comes to race America is a nation of cowards, stopped a very clear cut case of voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party dead in its tracks.

The Department Of Justice did not prosecute the New Black Panthers for voter’s rights violations, but they did sue the State of Arizona for enforcing border security. They have sued states to stop enforcement of voter ID laws.

The hypocrisy is palpable.

Welcome to Barack Obama’s post racial America.

Republican Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King must be rolling in his grave.

Where applicable, thank God he gave you enough grace, intelligence and common sense to remain open to hearing both sides, uncover the truth and see through the fraud that is Barrack Hussein Obama. You were able to use your God given cognitive abilities to evaluate and judge him not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.

You can proudly say that you never voted for him.

For those who were fooled by Obama into voting for him in 2008, forget it. You cannot undo that vote.

But you can avoid making that unfortunate mistake twice.


Michael Fell is a former MCA recording artist from the seminal punk rock era who toured America from coast to coast. Today, he’s a leading voice in the L.A. Tea Party movement, active since the February 2009 inception. Mr. Fell currently chairs the Westwood Tea Party, is a founding member of the L.A. Metro Tea Party Coalition, serves as the Vice Chairman of the Westside Republicans Club in L.A. CA, and is an elected Republican delegate to the L.A. 47th AD Central Committee. He’s been Campaign Manager for a primary winning Congressional candidate, as well as Santa Monica and L.A. City Council candidates. Mr. Fell is a contributing writer for https://conservativedailynews.com/, https://rightwingnews.com/, https://www.hollywoodrepublican.net/, https://beforeitsnews.com, https://www.redcounty.com/, https://www.uspatriotpac.com and, https://westsiderepublicans.com/. His opinions on today’s news events and political climate can be found on his blog: https://mjfellright.wordpress.com/