Video: Russian Media Reports on ‘Day of Resistance’ Protest of Gun Control Measures
Photo Credit: Jim UrquhartThousands of Second Amendment activists across the US took part in a Day of Resistance against President Obama’s gun control measures, calling his plans unconstitutional. Words are not all they’re prepared to use to protect their right to bear arms.
People gathered at dozens of cities and towns across the United States, crowds numbering from a hundred to a thousand people. They were carrying American flags and banners with words of harsh criticism against Obama’s proposed gun control regulations. “Come and take it!” “Dictators Want You Disarmed,” “Honk If You Want to Keep Your 2nd Amendment” and “Don’t tread on me” were among the most common slogans. Protesters believe owing a gun is a basic right of every American citizen.
“This isn’t a Democratic thing, or a Republican thing, or a Tea Party thing, this is an American thing. This is about the rights this nation was founded on,” Ryan Studabaker, rally organizer from Bluffton, Indiana, told
Based on production data from firearm manufacturers, there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States – roughly one for every citizen.
“The 2nd Amendment prohibits the government from infringing on our right to bear arms. We want to make darn sure they don’t infringe on our rights. If we lost the Second Amendment, we’ll lose them all,” Jerry Martin, a rally participant in Kenenwick, Washington, told NBC.
Read more from this story HERE.