Sequester and We’re Still Funding Planned Parenthood?!

Photo Credit: Fibonacci Blue

When it comes to the latest round of budget cuts, there’s one big problem that should bother everyone: Washington’s continued funding of Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain.

First, the facts: Each year, Planned Parenthood receives hundreds of millions of dollars from you, the taxpayer — and the total is rising. This past year, Planned Parenthood got $542 million from the government (i.e., from you and me), which accounts for almost half (45%) of the abortion chain’s budget. Abortions at Planned Parenthood are rising, while other services are falling. And Planned Parenthood recently mandated that all of its affiliates perform abortions, causing at least one affiliate to sever ties with America’s abortion boss.

All this says nothing of the fact that Planned Parenthood is flush with cash, having reported excess revenue of $87.4 million and $1.2 billion in total assets last year. Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood’s CEO, makes nearly $400,000 a year. And yet the biggest abortion provider in America somehow still calls itself a non-profit.

And what does Planned Parenthood do with this money? The spokespeople for Big Abortion will tell you that there’s no way for public money to go toward abortion, but this is an outright lie. We know that money is fungible; the rent, the staff, the utilities — all of which support abortion procedures, no matter how indirectly — are propped up with our money. Whether we want to or not, we’re all forced to fund the taking of innocent human lives for profit.

Just before the sequester passed, the White House released a document detailing exactly what would get cut. It’s a great resource, and we all should use it to ask some questions.

Read more from this story HERE.