Duck Dynasty Stars Threatened to Walk from AE Over Guns and God

A North Carolina radio station, 93.1 “The Wolf,” reported this past week that the A&E network had supposedly received complaints from people “about how A&E’s show Duck Dynasty shows praying and using guns all the time.” These people had asked A&E “to remove the show from TV.”

Apparently, the network then contacted the family’s patriarch, Phil Robertson, and asked, “can we stop the praying and the guns?” Robertson responded with an ultimatum: “if We Cant Pray to God on the show, we will not do the show.”

He went on to explain, “God and Guns are apart of our everyday lives to remove either of them from the show is unacceptable.”

Looks like the Duck Commander won this battle as A&E has reportedly signed the family up for another season. And why wouldn’t they? The Duck Dynasty’s message has made it one of cable’s top-rated shows.