NSA Recording US Calls Since at Least 2008: Transformers Actor Tells Jay Leno That FBI Agent Played Phone Recording of Him 5 Years Ago (+video)
The leaks of previous whistleblowers have been recalled and compared to that of the former government contractor who leaked to the media classified documents of the NSA’s collecting of metadata from phone conversations. But these previous whistleblowers aren’t the only ones who tried to warn of government spying.
Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf in 2008 during an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno detailed how he learned phone calls were allegedly being recorded.
Promoting the film “Eagle Eye,” which according to IMDb shows how “technology of everyday life [is used] to track and control,” LaBeouf told Leno that an FBI consultant for the movie said one in five phone calls made are recorded and logged.
“And I laughed at him,” LaBeouf said.
“And then he played back a phone conversation I’d had two years prior to joining the picture,” LaBouf continued.
Read more from this story HERE.