Duck Dynasty: Can’t Imagine Show Going on Without Phil

Photo Credit: Fox News

Photo Credit: Fox News

By Todd Starnes.

Duck season may soon be over for A&E.

The Robertson family released a statement late Thursday that raises doubts about the future of one of the most popular shows on cable television.

“We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm,” the Robertson family said in a prepared statement. “We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty.”

The family said it has “spent much time in prayer” since learning A&E had suspended Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Louisiana family, over comments he made about homosexuality.

Robertson sparked a national debate on religion and tolerance in an interview with GQ magazine. The writer asked him what he considered to be sinful behavior.

Read more from this story HERE.


Photo Credit: LifeNews

Photo Credit: LifeNews

Like Phil Robertson, It’s Time for Christians to Speak Up Against Sin

By Bryan Kemper.

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty was fired because of the cowardice of Christians to speak the truth about sin.

The irony of this news is that last night I sat down and watched my first episodes of Duck Dynasty to see what all the buzz was about and why my kids wanted Duck Dynasty stuff for Christmas. I was pleasantly surprised to see the prayer led by Phil Robertson at the end of each episode, and how he talked about his wife of 50 years.

This morning on Facebook I saw a post from my friend Troy Newman of Operation Rescue about Phil Robertson getting fired. He was fired from network for speaking about homosexuality. Phil simply stated his views about homosexuality and sin; he quoted the Holy Scriptures to support his Christian belief.

Why was he fired for practicing free speech? Why was he fired for stating his own opinion on a subject? Why was he fired when people like Bill Maher can rant about Christians and be celebrated for it?

Why was he fired? He was fired because Christians have retreated into a state of “I don’t want to offend anyone” attitude about sin. Christians would rather send a fluffy love message than proclaim that abortion is murder or that homosexuality is a sin. We have become pansies.

Read more from this story HERE.