New Age of Terror: Islam ‘Metastasizing’ Worldwide

Photo Credit: WNDA leading expert on Islamic terrorism says al-Qaida is different but as dangerous as ever because the U.S. failed to lead properly, and she says confronting the radical ideology is the key to victory.

Brigitte Gabriel said the good news is that more and more in the West are finally acknowledging the destruction radical Islam leaves in its path, but she said Americans should not hold their breath waiting for moderate Muslims to begin lashing out at extremist acts.

Gabriel grew up as a Christian in Lebanon and experienced terrorism firsthand. She is now president of and author of “They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.”

Al-Qaida has evolved greatly from how it functioned around the time of the terrorist attacks in September 2001. Instead of a powerful central organization, it now exists primarily as many different regional organizations spread out from east Asia to North Africa and each group largely appears to be making their own decisions.

New FBI Director James Comey recently told New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt that al-Qaida’s current strength is a major surprise.

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