Active Euthanasia Comes to North America
Photo Credit: Ostia / Creative CommonsThe poison has jumped across the Atlantic from Netherlands and Belgium: Quebec has legalized active euthanasia.
I have discussed the contents of new law at length previously and I don’t want to repeat myself. However, the bill did undergo some changes since I wrote about it, and there are certain sections of the new law that need to be emphasized, so here goes:
The euphemism for homicide in the law is “aid in dying,” which in turn, is defined as part of “end of life care.“
Receiving “end of life care”–including euthanasia–is now a positive right. From the law (my emphasis):
RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TO END-OF-LIFE CARE: 4. Every person whose condition requires it has the right to receive end-of-life care subject to the specific requirements established by this Act. Such care is provided to the person in a facility maintained by an institution, in a palliative care hospice or at home.
Read more from this story HERE.