Cantor Spent $168,637 on Steak Houses, Brat Spent $122,793 on Entire Campaign

Photo Credit: TownHall By Katie Pavlich.

When Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost to his challenger David Brat last night, shock waves were sent across the political world. As Guy already noted, Brat was unheralded, underfunded and many people didn’t know who he was until his huge victory last night. In total, Cantor spent $5 million on his campaign while Brat spent just $200,000. Cantor lost by eleven points.

But the stat of night comes from the New York Times, which shows Cantor’s campaign spent as much money on steak houses as Brat spent on his entire campaign.

Read more from this story HERE.


Photo Credit: TownHallCantor Loses By 11 Million Voters

By Ann Coulter.

Economics professor Dave Brat crushed House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the Republican primary Tuesday night, in a campaign that was mostly about Cantor’s supporting amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens.

This marks the first time a U.S. House majority leader has ever lost a primary election.

His crushing defeat reinforces a central point: Whenever the voters know an election is about immigration, they will always vote against more immigration — especially amnesty.

Cantor spent more than $5 million on his campaign. Brat spent less than $150,000. But Brat made the election about Cantor’s support for amnesty, so he won.

The pro-amnesty crowd — i.e., everyone except the American people — promptly lost its collective mind. The amnesty shills went on the attack, insisting that Cantor’s historic defeat had nothing to do amnesty. Brat’s triumph was touted as simply a victory for the “tea party.”

Read more from this story HERE.


Cantor Fell Because He Wouldn’t Fight the Good Fight

By Rabbi Aryeh Spero.

Tuesday night, David Brat, an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College, right outside Richmond, accomplished something stunning: defeating the House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, something never done before in American history.

Some are trying to pigeonhole Mr. Brat as a Tea Party candidate, but the truth is that, while he appeals to the Tea Party constituency, he is what a bread-and-butter Republican is supposed to be: a believer in free markets, limited government, strong defense, and a morality based in our Judeo-Christian ethos.

I first met Mr. Brat years back when he invited me to speak at Randolph-Macon College on the topic of “The Morality of Capitalism” based on an article I had published in the Wall Street Journal. He is well grounded in the fundamentals of American political philosophy.

The issue of immigration played heavily in the last two weeks of the campaign: specifically, the unacceptable daily phenomenon of illegals walking across the border and almost immediately becoming wards of the state by taxing hardworking American citizens and too-quickly finding loopholes for them to vote and determine America’s destiny. Americans are afraid they are losing their country and are being made powerless to stop it.

Read more from this story HERE.