Fail: Democrats Tweet Out Pic of Wrong Flag for Flag Day Celebration

By Christine Rousselle.

Yesterday was Flag Day, a celebration of the United States flag. Flag Day has been observed in some capacity since 1885, and has been a designated federal holiday on June 14 of each year since 1949.

The official Twitter account of the Democrat party, @TheDemocrats, sent out this tweet yesterday to mark their celebration of Flag Day:

Read more from this story HERE.


A Comparison Of The RNC’s And DNC’s Flag Day Tweets Shows One Party’s Big, Fat Patriotism Fail

By Emily Hulsey.

For Flag Day yesterday, individuals and organizations across America commemorated in various ways. However, almost all of them included some sort of image of the U.S. flag.

Take a look at what the RNC tweeted:

Read more from this story HERE.