WATCH: Huckabee Calls for Pastors to Flood Houston Mayor With Sermons
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee wants the nation’s pastors to send Bibles and copies of all of their sermons to Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who has issued a broad subpoena demanding the city’s pastors hand over copies of their sermons and communications concerning the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.
“I hope she gets thousands and thousands of sermons and Bibles,” said Huckabee, who is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, on his Fox News show Saturday.
“It ought to make you mad that the mayor thinks she can turn in her pastors,” the Republican said. “And so I got an idea. If she wants a sermon, here is my suggestion. I would like to ask every pastor in America, not only the ones in Houston, to send her your sermons and go ahead. Obviously she could use a few. And everybody watching the show ought to send her a Bible.”
Houston’s city attorneys initially issued the subpoenas in September when people who opposed the city’s equal rights ordinance were trying to force a repeal referendum on the ordinance, which grants certain rights to transgendered people, reports the Houston Chronicle.
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