Agent Defends Ben Carson Against Plagiarism Charges

On Tuesday, BuzzFeed posted an article showing similarities between Carson’s book, which he wrote with his wife Candy, and a variety of other sources, including from material published in 2002 by a website called

Entire paragraphs, word for word, like this from appeared in Carson’s book: “Anytime you give to government the responsibility and authority to provide government-made jobs, old-age financial security, ‘free’ health care, and ‘free’ education and indoctrination of children, it will control the lives of the people who live under its jurisdiction, and individual liberty and freedom of choice are sacrificed.”

BuzzFeed noted how Carson’s book also apparently lifted material from authors Cleon Skousen and Bill Federer, a CBS News article and other works.

Speaking by phone, Yates, the literary agent, said he and the Carsons were in the process of trying to fully understand the situation. . .

Armstrong Williams, an aide to Carson, declined to make the former neurosurgeon immediately available for an interview, explaining Carson wants to wait before speaking out. (Read more from “Agent Defends Ben Carson” HERE)