Worldwide Persecution of Christians at an ‘Unprecedented’ High; Here’s How Many Believers Are Killed for Their Faith Every Hour

Photo Credit: Gospel Herald Bishop John McAreavey, the Chair of the Council for Justice and Peace of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, has revealed that Christian persecution is at an unprecedented high, with at least 11 believers killed hourly because of their faith.

Breitbart News reports that in a presentation before the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade this past week, McAreavey emphasized that Christianity is the most oppressed religion in the world, as believers are severely persecuted 110 countries.

“Many of these countries have significant trade links with Ireland. Persecution is increasing in China,” McAreavey said, citing a recent Pew Research study. “In North Korea a quarter of the country’s Christians live in forced labour camps. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the Maldives all feature in the 10 worst places to be Christian.

He continued: “According to the International Society for Human Rights, a non-religious organization, 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed against Christians.”

The bishop reflected on statements from the Chief Rabbi of Britain, Jonathan Sacks, who recently asserted that the suffering of Christians in the Middle East is “one of the crimes against humanity of our time,” comparing it to Jewish pogroms in Europe and said that he’s “appalled at the lack of protest it has evoked.” (Read more from “Worldwide Persecution of Christians at an ‘Unprecedented’ High, Here’s How Many Believers Are Killed for Their Faith Every Hour” HERE)

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