Female Christian Radio Host Offers the Perfect Rebuttal to the Transgender Party Line
LaVern Vivio, a Christian radio host based in Nashville, has offered a compelling personal tale about her own struggle with gender identity, and the insights she offers are at once humanizing and terrifying . . .
“I was having trouble finding comfort in what God made me to be,” she continues. “But that was part of the journey He had for me. It’s a journey I am thankful was accompanied by parents, peers and mentors (who) taught me God does not make mistakes.”
She then offers a litany of scenarios in which vulnerable adolescents and young adults such as she once was could be be shunted down a path that ends at being convinced transgenderism is the answer to their struggles.
“What if I had been raised that the choices for me sexually were vast and practically limitless?” she asks. “What if, in my adolescence, my deep loneliness, a girl had kissed me and I liked it?” . . .
“My concern is for what we are doing to ourselves as we seek to continue down a road that tries to recreate our lives into what we want them to be rather than what God created us to be. The road we are paving for our children is so confusing and hard and it doesn’t have to be.” (Read more from “Female Christian Radio Host Offers the Perfect Rebuttal to the Transgender Party Line” HERE)
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