Christian Festival Changed, Cancelled to Spare Muslims’ Feelings

Several schools in Germany have canceled an annual Christian celebration named after Saint Martin and replaced it with the more generic and secular “festival of lights” in consideration of the feelings of thousands of Muslims who’ve migrated to the country in recent days.

On top of that, numerous Dusseldorf daycare centers have outright abolished the celebration altogether, due to “consideration for the refugees,” Infowars reported, citing the Epoch Times.

As Pamela Geller reported on her blog,, the notice of name-change has he dispute over the Saint Martin’s festival has been around for some time,” she wrote. “The left[ist] politician Rudiger Sagel struck two years ago … [and said] the festival should … be renamed to ‘sun, moon and stars’-fest.” (Read more from “Christian Festival Changed, Cancelled to Spare Muslims’ Feelings” HERE)

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