Parents Receive Letter From Son Serving in Iraq… Almost 11 Years Later

When David Craig opened up his mailbox a week ago, he found something he never knew was missing.

Inside was a letter that his son, Lynn Craig, sent him from Iraq. On the upper right-hand corner, where a stamp would ordinarily be, it reads “free mail combat zone.”

The letter was postmarked in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Jan. 2, 2016. But then-Lance Cpl. Lynn Craig of the U.S. Marine Corps had returned safely from Iraq in September 2005.

Unbeknownst to the Craigs, the letter had been missing for nearly 11 years. The letter is dated March 14, 2005 . . .

There’s no way of knowing what happened in transit from Iraq to Roanoke, or how many people touched that letter over the years, said U.S. Postal Service spokesman Tad Kelley. (Read more from “Parents Receive Letter From Son Serving in Iraq… Almost 11 Years Later” HERE)

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