GOP Buzzing About Fiorina as RNC Head

Carly Fiorina’s quiet outreach to state party chairs in recent days has top Republicans speculating that she’s laying the groundwork for a Republican National Committee chairmanship bid.

Fiorina’s advisers have reached out to more than a dozen state parties telling them that the former GOP presidential hopeful is prepared to help in “any way,” offering up her personal phone number, and informing them that she would like to connect with their respective state party chairperson.

She is expected to spend much of August on a cross-country blitz. Her travel will take her to Virginia, where she will co-host an event in Virginia with Ed Gillespie, a former RNC chair who is running for governor in 2017. The event, which is being sponsored by Gillespie’s political action committee, is being billed as “a conversation about job creation and economic growth.” Also slated to attend is Morton Blackwell, a conservative activist from Virginia who has served as an RNC member for nearly three decades.

She will also be in Colorado, where party officials are in the process of finalizing a campaign event featuring her and endangered GOP Rep. Mike Coffman, and Louisiana, where Fiorina is expected to assist state legislative hopefuls. Next month, she is slated to be in Michigan for the Kent County Lincoln Day dinner. (Read more from “GOP Buzzing About Fiorina as RNC Head” HERE)

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