Russia Working in Defense of Kim Jong Un’s Regime

Russia has begun working quietly but very diligently to defend Kim Jong Un’s regime in North Korea because it is concerned that a collapse could open the door for NATO or even U.S. forces on its Asian border, reports Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Moscow already is alarmed over NATO influence on its border with Europe, and “does not want any replication on its Asian flank,” according to a new report.

Reuters reported a Russian company has begun providing additional Internet resources to North Korea and that trade between the two nations reached $31.4 million in the first quarter of 2017, double previous totals.

“At least eight North Korean ships that left Russia with fuel cargoes this year have returned home despite officially declaring other destinations, a ploy U.S. officials say is often used to undermine sanctions against Pyongyang,” the report said.

“And Russia, which shares a short land border with North Korea, has also resisted U.S.-led efforts to repatriate tens of thousands of North Korean workers whose remittances help keep the country’s hard line leadership afloat.” (Read more from “Russia Working in Defense of Kim Jong Un’s Regime” HERE)

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