Disney Fires ‘Guardians’ Director Over Disturbing Pedophilia Tweets

James Gunn, the powerhouse writer/director behind Marvel’s lucrative Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, was fired by the Walt Disney company Friday.

“The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn said in a statement. . .

According the Hollywood Reporter, a far-left entertainment site, the now-disgraced Gunn had already begun writing the Guardians 3 script. Shooting was scheduled to begin this fall in Atlanta.

While the establishment media and entertainment media all but ignored the story (probably hoping they could save the Trump-hating Gunn), Twitter sleuths online, the Daily Caller, and (to its credit) TheWrap, all dug up and covered explosive tweets written by Gunn over the past decade — tweets that “joked” about committing child rape, along with disparaging jokes about Mexicans, AIDS, the Holocaust, and rape in general.

One of the more disturbing finds was Gunn bragging about a movie titled 100 Pubescent Girls Touch Themselves that he apparently embedded on his personal website. In an apparent panic, Gunn took his website down Thursday night, but the Wayback Machine reveals that he received the video from a man who was later convicted of pedophilia. In the most vulgar way imaginable, Gunn bragged that the movie gave him an orgasm. (Read more from “Disney Fires ‘Guardians’ Director James Gunn Over Disturbing Pedophilia Tweets” HERE)

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