Trump Supporter Confronts Justin Amash for Endorsing Impeachment, and It Gets Very Heated
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) was confronted by a Trump supporter at his town hall meeting who wanted answers after the Republican Libertarian called for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. . .
“This is what Mueller and the Democrats have all tried to, and the deep state, the bureaucrats, I don’t know if you’ve ever dealt with a bureaucrat, but it’s just mind-boggling that we have to deal with them,” the woman said, “I have a lot of experience.”
“How come you’ve become a Democrat when we voted for you as a Republican because you just drink the same Kool-Aid as all the Democrats?” she asked. . .
“First I have one of the most constitutionally conservative and fiscally conservative voting records in the whole Congress,” Amash answered to great applause.
“And in fact, I have voted to spend less than any member of Congress in either chamber since I’ve been in Congress,” he explained,” so I’ve voted for less spending. When I got elected as part of the Tea Party movement, people cared about limited government, they cared about fiscal conservatism, making sure that our government wasn’t spending too much. (Read more from “Trump Supporter Confronts Justin Amash for Endorsing Impeachment, and It Gets Very Heated” HERE)
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