Elon Musk: Here’s Why World Population Will Start to Collapse Soon

By Breitbart. SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk reiterated a theory on Friday that he’s promoted in the past: that the world is not only not heading rapidly toward an unsustainable population by mid-century, but it’s also poised for a population collapse.

In a tweet noted by Business Insider, the billionaire PayPal co-founder, responding to a post by World of Engineering citing a projected world population of 9,346,399,468 by 2050, refuted the warnings of overpopulation.

“1950 (historical) world population – 2,556,000,053,” World of Engineering tweeted Thursday. “Current world population – 7,712,343,478[;] 2050 (projected) world population – 9,346,399,468.”

“Real issue will [be] an aging & declining world population by 2050, *not* overpopulation,” Musk responded. “[Jørgen] Randers estimate far more accurate than UN imo,” Musk added, linking to a Wikipedia article containing several population projections, including by Randers.

In a follow-up tweet, Musk agreed with a follower that the population will be an “inverse pyramid,” writing: “Yes, demographics, stratified by age, will look like an upside down pyramid with many old people & fewer young.”

(Read more from “Elon Musk: Here’s Why World Population Will Start to Collapse Soon” HERE)


Elon Musk Says SpaceX Will Try Its ‘Most Difficult Launch Ever’

By Business Insider. Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of SpaceX, said his rocket company’s toughest mission yet has arrived — and you can watch it live online.

At 2:30 a.m. ET on Tuesday, a Falcon Heavy rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

This morning’s launch attempt marks SpaceX’s third-ever with Falcon Heavy. The rocket design debuted in February 2018, has three reusable boosters, and is considered the planet’s most powerful launch system in use today.

What makes this mission, called Space Test Program-2 (STP-2), so challenging is what’s stacked inside the rocket’s nose cone: 24 government and commercial satellites that together weigh about 8,150 pounds (3,700 kilograms). When fully fueled, a Falcon Heavy rocket weighs about 1,566 tons (1,420 metric tons), or more than 300 adult elephants’ worth of mass. (Read more from “Elon Musk Says SpaceX Will Try Its ‘Most Difficult Launch Ever'” HERE)

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