U.S. Farmers Back Trump: Federal Aid Has ‘Been a Godsend’ in Trade War

American farmers are backing President Trump in the United States’ trade war with China, calling the president’s billions in federal aid to farmers “a godsend.”

In May, in the midst of trade negotiations with China, Trump announced he would deliver $16 billion in federal aid to American farmers to help them through the battle’s strain on the industry. Democrats have sought to block the aid and 2020 Democrats running for president have blasted the bailout. . .

Other American farmers interviewed were frustrated with U.S.-China trade relations and are hoping for some kind of resolution soon. Illinois farmer Evan Hultine, for instance, said the federal aid from Trump is major, but he believes the trade dispute is dragging on for too long now.

Pennsylvania farmer Bill Boyd said he feels the administration is “backstabbing” the folks who got him elected, but admitted that the Democrats are no better.

“Unless [Democrats] come up with a better alternative, I am going to vote for [Trump] again,” Boyd told CNN. (Read more from “U.S. Farmers Back Trump: Federal Aid Has ‘Been a Godsend’ in Trade War” HERE)

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