Joe Biden: ‘A Range of Programs’ Are Needed for Americans to Not ‘Pull the Trigger’ (VIDEO)

By Breitbart. President Joe Biden delivered remarks Wednesday on the administration’s strategy to prevent gun crimes across the country when he said there is “a range of programs” he believes are needed to keep Americans from pulling the trigger.

A reporter asked Biden what he feels would be the “most effective thing that government can do to change the mindset of those who feel compelled to pull the triggers” of guns.

Biden said in response to the question that one could hope to change the mindset of people by “being engaged in a whole range of programs.”

He continued to say that involves “everything from mental health programs” to start engaging with people earlier on and “letting them know there’s other options.”

We need to be “making sure that when a child is young, they have access to real education, they get started off on the right foot,” Biden continued.

(Read more from “Joe Biden: ‘A Range of Programs’ Are Needed for Americans to Not ‘Pull the Trigger’ (VIDEO)” HERE)


Biden Touts New Crime Prevention Strategy Focused on Gun Control

By Fox News. President Biden in remarks Wednesday said his crime prevention strategy would focus on strengthening background checks, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and boosting community policing.

Biden met with state and local leaders and law enforcement officials ahead of his remarks to talk crime prevention strategy, amid a surge in violence in cities across the U.S.

Both Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland, who spoke before him, pointed to a historic rise in crime in the summertime, and said that rise “may be more pronounced” as the nation comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The White House has insisted curbing gun violence is key to tamping down a “staggering” surge of crime across the U.S.

“Talk to most responsible gun owners they’ll tell you there’s no possible justification for having 100 rounds in a magazine,” Biden said. (Read more from “Biden Touts New Crime Prevention Strategy Focused on Gun Control” HERE)

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