Democrats Revive Kavanaugh Allegations, Slam FBI Probe

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats demanded this week that the FBI hand over additional information related to its 2018 investigation into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The Democrats led by Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Chris Coons raised a series of questions about the FBI’s handling of its sexual misconduct probe into Brett Kavanaugh in response to a letter the Bureau sent them in June. They expressed particular concern that the FBI had received more than 4,500 tips and shared ones deemed “relevant” to former President Donald Trump’s White House.

“The admissions in your letter corroborate and explain numerous credible accounts by individuals and firms that they had contacted the FBI with information ‘highly relevant to . . . allegations’ of sexual misconduct by Justice Kavanaugh, only to be ignored,” seven Judiciary Democrats wrote in a letter addressed to FBI Director Christopher Wray late Wednesday.

“If the FBI was not authorized to or did not follow up on any of the tips that it received from the tip line, it is difficult to understand the point of having a tip line at all,” the letter continued. (Read more from “Democrats Revive Kavanaugh Allegations, Slam FBI Probe” HERE)

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