Army Veteran ‘Absolutely Not’ Resigning After Biden’s Attempt To Oust Trump Appointees

Retired Army Capt. Meaghan Mobbs is fighting back against the Biden administration, refusing the request to step down from her position on the military academy advisory board after President Biden asked multiple Trump-appointed members to resign.

Biden is now facing backlash from multiple members of the board, including Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer.

“It’s imperative that we fight for this,” Mobbs said on “Fox & Friends.”

“One of the last places where we should be politicizing anything is at our United States military academies. … There has been a long tradition of being nonpartisan to ensure that we are offering the best possible advice and instruction to our West Point cadets.”

Kellyanne Conway, former adviser to President Trump and a member of the Board of Visitors to the U.S. Air Force Academy, fired back at Biden on Twitter saying, “I’m not resigning, but you should.”

(Read more from “Army Veteran ‘Absolutely Not’ Resigning After Biden’s Attempt To Oust Trump Appointees” HERE)

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