Nearly 1,000 Fully Vaccinated Washington Residents Die of COVID-19 in 1 Year
Nearly 1,000 fully vaccinated residents in Washington State have died of COVID-19 even as infection rates begin to decline.
Between Jan. 17, 2021, and Jan. 8, 2022, health officials in Washington State recorded a total of 969 breakthrough COVID-19 deaths. The ages of the vaccinated people who died of COVID-19 ranged from 31 to 103, with the median age being 79.
Among the 969 deceased, 614 had underlying medical conditions and 343 are still under investigation. At least 679 people with COVID-19 were also admitted to hospitals, a report from the state’s Department of Health showed.
During the same period, health officials also recorded 162,307 breakthrough infections. At least 31% said they developed symptoms and 3% were hospitalized.
A “breakthrough” case is defined when a person tests positive for COVID-19 two weeks after being fully vaccinated or boosted. (Read more from “Nearly 1,000 Fully Vaccinated Washington Residents Die of COVID-19 in 1 Year” HERE)
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