Woman Survives on Yogurt and Snow While Stranded in Forest for 6 Days

A woman survived on yogurt and snow while she was stranded in a California forest for six days.

Little Valley residents Justin Lonich, 48, and Sheena Gullett, 52, were driving on dirt roads on April 14 when their car reportedly got stuck in a patch of snow, according to a Facebook post from the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO).

The pair spent the night in their car until the battery died the next morning. They then proceeded to Highway 44 on foot, according to the post.

The two got separated along the way when Gullett’s boots began falling apart. When Lonich noticed that Gullett was falling behind, he went back to look for her but lost her due to heavy snowfall, the LCSO said. (Read more from “Woman Survives on Yogurt and Snow While Stranded in Forest for 6 Days” HERE)

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