FedEx Lost a Man’s Body Three Years Ago, but That’s Not the Weirdest Part of the Story

Three years ago, Fulton County Medical Examiner’s office sent the remains of Jeffrey Merriweather to St. Louis for testing, but they never arrived.

The medical examiner sent Merriweather’s remains via FedEx in a box weighing 18.6 lbs, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC). It’s unclear why the examiner used FedEx, who prohibit customers from sending human remains via their service, the AJC noted.

What’s even more unclear is how Merriweather, a 32-year-old man, became nothing more than skeletal remains less than two weeks after he was seen alive, the AJC reported. The answer to this question is precisely why his remains were mailed to St. Louis via FedEx, the report continued.

Merriweather was reported missing in June 2019, AJC reported. His body was discovered under an air mattress behind a house in southwest Atlanta ten days later, with court documents suggesting that he was shot to death in a drug deal gone wrong, the outlet noted. (Read more from “FedEx Lost a Man’s Body Three Years Ago, but That’s Not the Weirdest Part of the Story” HERE)

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