Murkowski Claims She Was Duped by Pro-Life, Anti-Tranny Trump Judge

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is upset that a controversial Trump-appointed judge concealed his involvement in an article attacking abortion rights and transgender people during his confirmation hearing, reported POLITICO on Wednesday.

District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk of Amarillo, Texas, whom Murkowski had voted to confirm at the time, is responsible for the ruling that suspends the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion medication mifepristone, which happened over two decades ago and is threatening to upend abortion access even in states that still allow the procedure.

“A Washington Post report that he switched out his name on an article not disclosed during his confirmation process criticizing Obama administration policies on abortion and transgender people has the Alaska Republican hopping mad,” reported Burgess Everett. “‘You want to talk about the ultimate bait and switch? I feel like I got duped. I feel like voted for somebody based on what had been presented to me. And you do this? That is totally, totally wrong,’ Murkowski said in an interview on Wednesday.”

“When he was confirmed, he received no Democratic support and further opposition from Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). If the same vote were held today, you can probably bet Murkowski would have joined them,” said the report. “‘Do I feel good about my vote on this judge now having learned how he was able to get a path to his confirmation because he perhaps didn’t honestly disclose that? That to me is as troubling as anything else’ Murkowski asked rhetorically. She said when it comes to judicial nominees, ‘I hold you to a higher standard than if you’re gonna be a deputy undersecretary for housing. I just, I do.'” (Read more from “Murkowski Claims She Was Duped by Pro-Life, Anti-Tranny Trump Judge” HERE)

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