Alaska Airlines Murder Attempt: Pilot Charged With 83 Counts After Allegedly Attempting to Crash Plane; Are Mushrooms to Blame?

An off-duty pilot allegedly tried to shut off the engines on an Alaska Airlines plane while it was on its way to San Francisco, police said.

The plane on Flight 2059 was travelling from Everett, Washington, but had to be diverted to Portland, Oregon, after the incident.

Horizon Air, a subsidiary of Alaska Airlines, said the presence of a “credible threat” in the jump seat of the cockpit’s flight deck.

“The jump seat occupant unsuccessfully attempted to disrupt the operation of the engines,” read a statement from the airline. “The Horizon Captain and First Officer quickly responded, engine power was not lost and the crew secured the aircraft without incident.” (Read more from “Alaska Airlines Murder Attempt: Pilot Charged With 83 Counts After Allegedly Attempting to Crash Plane” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

Read “Pilot blames mushrooms for attempted murder” HERE

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