Latest Development About the Illegal Alien in the Georgia Student Murder Story Is Infuriating; Actor’s Twisted Response to Alleged Murder of Young Nurse Does in Dems

By Townhall. Laken Riley went for a run on Thursday and never returned. She was reported missing by her friend, which led to authorities discovering her body later that afternoon. Riley was an undergraduate at the University of Georgia in Athens and after enrolled as a nursing student at nearby Augusta University. She had made the fall semester dean’s list. On Friday, February 23, Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, was arrested for her murder. Ibarra is an illegal alien from Venezuela who crossed over in 2022. He was arrested in New York City for what appears to be vehicular charges on September 14, 2023—he got charged with “injury to [a] child less than 17 and no license.”

The media framed Ibarra as an “Athens man” and have been allergic to reporting that this man is an illegal immigrant. Yet, Georgia State House Rep. Houston Gaines alleges that Ibarra was arrested for shoplifting in Athens in October of 2023 and had an active bench warrant for his arrest since last December for failing to appear in court:

(Read more from “Latest Development About the Illegal Alien in the Georgia Student Murder Story Is Infuriating” HERE)


Star Trek’s George Takei’s Twisted Response to Illegal Alien’s Alleged Murder of Young Nurse Does in Dems

By Red State. The story about a young University of Georgia nursing student, 22-year-old Laken Riley, who was allegedly killed by an illegal alien, 26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra, is incredibly sad — made sadder in that it was completely preventable. Ibarra reportedly was let go into the country by Joe Biden’s policies, so Riley’s death appears to be fully on the back of Biden’s failure to enforce the law.

You would think any American would find this troubling and would want to rectify the problem. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) spoke for many, offering comfort to her friends and family, then calling on Biden to enforce the law. . .

Before last month, if you talked about securing the border and enforcing the law, Democrats would accuse you of somehow being racist.

It looks like George Takei didn’t get the talking points memo from last month. The guy who played Star Trek’s “Lt. Sulu” has posted some bad things in the past, but this was definitely a winner on the “truly awful argument” meter in response to Johnson. . .

[P]erhaps the most bizarre problem with this is Takei didn’t realize how he did in Democrats with this take. Did Takei miss who it was who was “smearing his community during World War II” and interning them? Yes, it was Democrat FDR who wrongly put Japanese-Americans in internment camps. It wasn’t Republicans — the party formed to fight slavery and free individuals. Takei should be taking it up with his buddies, the Democrats. And frankly, seemingly trying to compare illegal aliens who murder people to Japanese-Americans who did nothing wrong is just gross. (Read more from “Star Trek’s George Takei’s Twisted Response to Illegal Alien’s Alleged Murder of Young Nurse Does in Dems” HERE)