Disgusting Contagion: Americans Identifying as LGBTQ Double in Last Decade

The number of American adults who identify as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years, according to new polling from Gallup.

The latest results show that 7.6% of U.S. adults now align themselves with the LGBTQ+ community — up from 3.5% in 2012, when Gallup started collecting this data. Compare that to four years ago, when the figure was 5.6%.

The latest findings continue a trend showing that the number of LGBTQ+ American adults has increased every year the analytics company has collected such metrics.

“Increases in LGBTQ+ identification in recent years have occurred as members of Generation Z and the millennial generation have entered adulthood,” according to the study.

“Adults in these younger generations are far more likely than those in older generations to identify as LGBTQ+.” (Read more from “Disgusting Contagion: Americans Identifying as LGBTQ Double in Last Decade” HERE)

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