Supreme Court Stunner: Secret Gender Transitions at Schools Can Continue

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday let stand a ruling that subjugates parental rights to school politics.

The ruling that had come out of the 7th U.S. District Court of Appeals in a Wisconsin fight claimed that parental rights were not affected when schools secretly encouraged children to be transgender, so the parents had no standing to bring the case.

Justices Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas would have granted the petition, according to the court announcement, as it’s an issue that is coming up more and more.

Alito explained, “This case presents a question of great and growing national importance: whether a public school district violates parents’ ‘fundamental constitutional right to make decisions concerning the rearing of’ their children…when, without parental knowledge or consent, it encourages a student to transition to a new gender or assists in that process.”

Thomas joined in the statement that added, “We are told that more than 1,000 districts have adopted such policies.” (Read more from “Supreme Court Stunner: Secret Gender Transitions at Schools Can Continue” HERE)

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