Trump’s Entire Family ‘In Crosshairs of Assassins’ as Secret Service Protection Is ‘Running on Fumes’

Donald Trump’s family is in imminent danger of possible assassination as the already embattled U.S. Secret Service will be stretched to the max in efforts to protect his vulnerable wife and teen son. can reveal the Trump clan is an easy target for homegrown maniacs and trained terror groups in the wake of two recent assassination attempts on the incoming 47th president – as well as a pre-election plot by Iran to erase him.

“The threat level is high now because the country is so divided,” renowned private eye and security pro Paul Huebl warned. . .

The stunning security assessment comes as the agency in charge of protecting high-ranking officials has only 8,000 employees despite a wish-list budget, which never materialized, to hire 2,000 additional workers for fiscal year 2026.

“We do the best we can with the resources we have, but we have been constrained for well over a decade now in terms of resourcing and hiring,” Matthew Noyes, director of the agency’s cyber policy and strategy, said at a recent global security forum. (Read more from “Trump’s Entire Family ‘In Crosshairs of Assassins’ as Secret Service Protection Is ‘Running on Fumes’” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr