NASA Astronaut Makes Stunning Claim That ‘Jesus Was With Me’ During Space Trip

NASA astronaut Michael Hopkins who has racked up a stunning 168 days in space over 15 years as an astronaut – and he has thanked Jesus for the impressive feat.

He explained how it was during space missions that he felt God was most present in his life, and he described one particular occasion where he could feel his presence most.

He said: “Quite literally sitting in my heart, in the pocket of my spacesuit was the spirit, the body of our lord Jesus Christ.

“You can’t imagine the comfort it gave me knowing no matter what happened over the next nine minutes when that rocket hurled me into space, accelerating me to 17,000 mph, no matter what happened, Jesus Christ was with me.”

He previously talked about how the love and support shown by his wife Julie and their two Lucas and Ryan brought him ‘reassurance’ but it was the presence of God that made him overcome his nerves during the mission. (Read more from “NASA Astronaut Makes Stunning Claim That ‘Jesus Was With Me’ During Space Trip” HERE)

Judge Sides With Elementary School Against 7-Year-Old Girl Who Was Punished Harshly Over BLM Message

A judge sided against the family of a 7-year-old who was severely punished for scrawling “any life” under a Black Lives Matter message on a card she gave to a friend who happened to black.

The girl, known in court documents only as “B.B.,” gave a picture to her friend after they saw a documentary about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. She also drew round shapes in different colors that were supposed to represent their “racially-mixed” group of friends, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Her friend, known as “M.C.” in court documents, took the image home, where it was seen by her parents. They were offended by the picture and called the school to demand administrators take action.

The school punished the girl for what administrators saw as racially insensitive speech by making the girl apologize to her friends and teachers on the school playground. They also banned her from drawing pictures for two weeks and from going to recess.

The mother of the girl only found out about the incident a year later. (Read more from “Judge Sides With Elementary School Against 7-Year-Old Girl Who Was Punished Harshly Over BLM Message” HERE)

Christian Father Killed in Attempted Trump Assassination Lived and ‘Died a Hero’

A 20-year-old would-be assassin fired roughly 6-8 shots Saturday at President Donald Trump shortly after the Republican began addressing a massive crowd in Butler, Pennsylvania. Although the shooter, whom the FBI have identified as ActBlue donorThomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, was ultimately unsuccessful in his monstrous mission to kill the man Democrats have characterized as a “clear and present danger,” he still managed to visit tragedy upon at least one family of patriots.

“We lost a fellow Pennsylvanian last night,” Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) told the press Sunday. “Corey Comperatore.”

“Corey was an avid supporter of the former president,” said Shapiro, “and was so excited to be there last night with him and the community.” . . .

The governor learned upon speaking with Comperatore’s wife and two daughters, “Corey was a girl dad. Corey was a firefighter. Corey went to church every Sunday. Corey loved his community. And most especially, Corey loved his family.” . . .

Allyson Comperatore, one of the victim’s daughters, said her father died “a real-life superhero,” throwing her and her mother to the ground when gunshots first rang out, reported the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. (Read more from “Christian Father Killed in Attempted Trump Assassination Lived and ‘Died a Hero'” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

Festival to Search Attendees for ‘Offensive’ Clothing That Promotes ‘Cultural Appropriation’

People attending the Wireless Festival in London will be searched on entry for “offensive” material, which includes clothing that promotes “cultural appropriation.” . . .

Ticket holders showing up for the rap and hip-hop event in Finsbury Park will be scrutinized for “clothing/garments/items which promote cultural appropriation,” with such items presumably being confiscated.

“The information on Wireless’s website does not specify which items of clothing fall under the ban – raising questions over whether the prohibition extends to sombreros or keffiyeh scarves, a symbol of the Palestinian cause,” reports the Telegraph. . .

Speculation is that the organizers are following a similar policy to the Reading Festival, which banned people from wearing sombreros because they might have offended Mexicans.

The newspaper even suggests that white people wearing their hair in dreadlocks may be frowned upon as offensive to black people (despite dreadlocks having originated in ancient Egypt). (Read more from “Festival to Search Attendees for ‘Offensive’ Clothing That Promotes ‘Cultural Appropriation'” HERE)

The GOP ‘Pro-Life’ Party Platform Does Nothing to Protect Unborn Babies

The debut of the Republican National Committee’s recently revamped platform was celebrated by top Republicans and even some pro-life groups as a unifying message that will carry former President Donald Trump to victory come November. Buried in the abortion section of the 16-page document, however, is permission for the murder of millions of unborn babies via abortion and in vitro fertilization.

It’s no secret that the Trump campaign worked with the RNC to “gut” the party’s old promises to hold the abortion industry accountable and protect life at whatever cost. Sure enough, when the GOP publicized its 2024 pledge on Monday, its promise to “proudly stand for families and life” stopped short of delivering on tried and true protections for unborn babies.

The weak commitment could be amended after review by the platform committee in Milwaukee next week, but it’s unlikely that much will change.

To appease demands that abortion for Republicans be a hands-off, “state issue,” the RNC framed the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision as reaffirming a “power has been given to the states and to a vote of the people.” The resolution ironically invokes the 14th Amendment, which prohibits the government from depriving Americans of life, liberty, or property without due process, as reasoning for giving states free reign over whether babies live or die.

The GOP’s deliberate failure to carry over the party’s 2016 pledge to “support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth” would permit states governed by extremism to continue executing 99 percent of unborn babies currently murdered by abortion. (Read more from “The GOP ‘Pro-Life’ Party Platform Does Nothing to Protect Unborn Babies” HERE)

Disturbed: Pregnant House Democrat Openly Contemplates Abortion at DNC Meeting

In a startling revelation, reports emerged from a confidential Democratic National Committee (DNC) meeting on Tuesday where a pregnant House Democrat allegedly contemplated aborting her unborn child. The meeting, held at the DNC headquarters instead of the Capitol to minimize leaks, was intended to discuss future support for the presidency after President Joe Biden’s lackluster debate performance.

Despite the stringent measures to prevent information from leaking, details of the meeting were disclosed to the media, painting a picture of frustration and sadness among the attendees. According to a report by NOTUS, an unnamed pregnant House Democrat openly discussed the possibility of abortion, citing concerns over potential complications due to her age—being over 40—and the impact of future political outcomes on her reproductive choices.

“At one point, one House Democrat — whose name NOTUS is withholding at the congresswoman’s request — announced to the caucus that she was pregnant,” reporters Riley Rogerson and Reese Gorman wrote. The congresswoman highlighted her higher risk of health complications and her current ability to make decisions about her health and her child. She expressed fear that if former President Donald Trump were to be re-elected, she might lose the ability to make these choices.

The pregnant lawmaker’s comment was described as “super powerful” by one unnamed member who spoke to NOTUS. “I think people were very moved by it. But I don’t think it changes the overall dynamic with the Black Caucus,” the source added.

The morning caucus meeting reportedly did little to convince Democrats that Biden remains the best choice for the party. However, it became evident that Biden’s leadership is still supported by many within the party. “We’re riding this horse at this point,” one House Democrat, who privately preferred a change in leadership, told NOTUS. “And so I’m shifting gears. I’m gonna make my best case that we should pick the old guy against the crazy guy.”

Photo credit: Flickr

Woman Complains About Man in Changing Room, Gets Suspended

A woman who works at Scotland’s National Health Service is going to court for being punished after she objected to a man using a changing room for women.

The situation is becoming more and more common as men who say they are woman invade spaces that society for millennial has deemed for women only.

The newest case is being profiled by the Christian Institute, which explained the woman, whose name is not being released, complained to NHS Fife after she “encountered a male worker in the female-only changing room late at night.”

In response, the politically correct officials in her organization suspended her for three months.

Her legal team was successful in getting that repealed, but NHS Fife has continued to pursue punishing her, and now the woman plans to take her employer to an employment tribunal. (Read more from “Woman Complains About Man in Changing Room, Gets Suspended” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

Trans Kids Are the New Fashion Accessories Among Hollywood’s Most Deranged Moms

There’s a celebrity trend that has nothing to do with the season’s hottest fashion designer, jewelry item or flashy car. Instead, Hollywood stars are parading their transgender children around like some sort of good luck charms on a keychain.

Actresses like Megan Fox, Jennifer Lopez and Charlize Theron have been posing for photos next to their transgender or “non-binary” kids, sending a message that this is somehow the new definition of cool. Fox specifically has styled her three boys in very obviously feminine ways, something that Northwestern University Psychologist Dr. Michael Bailey called “kind of crazy.”

“I think that our society now is kind of crazy, and that is, you know, that’s an example, I guess, of how we’re crazy, and I think that’s really bad for our society. I don’t know why anybody would think that’s a good idea,” Bailey told the Daily Caller.

Fox has openly discussed her support of her alleged non-binary child Noah, a son she shares with ex-husband Brian Austin Green. Noah has been photographed wearing dresses when he was as young as age five. The “Transformers” actress insisted that he made that fashion choice himself but has also admitted to encouraging Noah to form a unique identity. Fox says Noah started wearing dresses at age two, according to People.

“When I became pregnant with Noah, I could feel, through my mother’s intuition I suppose, that he was not subscribing to gender stereotypes, so I decided to provide an environment for him early on that would allow him to discover how he wanted to express himself,” she said in a 2019 interview with Education and Career News. (Read more from “Trans Kids Are the New Fashion Accessories Among Hollywood’s Most Deranged Moms” HERE)

Family Sues Hospital for Refusing to Kill Girl

The family of a woman who was denied assisted death at a Catholic hospital in Canada is now suing the hospital for refusing to kill their daughter.

According to CTV News, 34-year-old Sam O’Neill sought Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in 2023 after a cervical cancer diagnosis left her in excruciating pain. O’Neill received palliative care at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, but was told that the hospital would not offer MAiD because it was a Catholic-run facility; the Catholic Church opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide. O’Neill was later transferred to a Vancouver hospice facility, where she received a MAiD death, though at that point she was sedated and did not wake to say goodbye to her family.

The lawsuit claims that because the Catholic hospital abided by its beliefs in the dignity of human life, it denied O’Neill a “dignified death.”

“Although Ms. O’Neill was ultimately provided with access to MAID, the circumstances surrounding the forced transfer and Ms. O’Neill’s access to MAID caused and exacerbated Ms. O’Neill’s egregious physical and psychological suffering, and denied her a dignified death, including the ability to say goodbye to her family and loved ones,” the lawsuit reads.

O’Neill’s parents, Jim and Gaye O’Neill, say the lawsuit is meant to challenge religious exemption laws and to stop the forced transfer of patients from facilities that refuse to commit euthanasia. (Read more from “Family Sues Hospital for Refusing to Kill Girl” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

Brave Nurse Blew the Whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital Accused of Manipulating Parents Into Giving Kids Life-Changing Trans Treatments

A nurse at the nation’s largest children’s hospital says doctors pressured parents to give their kids hormone therapy and other transgender medical interventions — warning that the children might kill themselves if they held off on treatments.

Vanessa Sivadge has worked at a Texas Children’s Hospital clinic where kids are given gender-affirming care since 2021. She said doctors there were more driven by “ideology” than what was best for the youths, many of whom had additional underlying problems.

“Parents were manipulated by doctors with an ideological agenda to go down this path of medical transition for their child,” Sivadge told The Post in an exclusive interview.

“And I do think that doctors would use manipulative language to suggest that if they didn’t do this, their child would commit suicide or they would harm themselves.”

Sivadge, 31, also alleged that doctors would miscategorize the treatments to justify gender-affirming care. She believes that the doctors are using the strategy to get around a ban by Texas Medicaid on covering hormone treatments for transgender medicine. (Read more from “Brave Nurse Blew the Whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital Accused of Manipulating Parents Into Giving Kids Life-Changing Trans Treatments” HERE)