What The Nation Is Saying About Joe Miller
Anchorage Daily News: Senate candidate Miller explains views on federal spending
Rush Limbaugh: Senate RINOs Still Don’t Get It
American Thinker: How Bad Is Lisa Murkowski?
National Review: Fighting for Alaska
Associated Press: “arguably the biggest political upset of the year”
ABC News headline: “Huge Victory for Tea Party”
CBS News: “arguably America’s biggest political upset of the year”
CNN News: “Mr. Miller’s surprising lead”
Fox News: “a major upset”
NBC News: “cannot overcome Joe Miller’s lead”
New York Times: “Mr. Miller’s surprising lead”
USA Today: “Miller caught the political world by surprise”
Wall Street Journal: “‘Son of a gun, he did it!'”
Washington Post: “third incumbent senator to lose”
Associated Press: Murkowski concedes Alaska primary race
National Review: Palin Anticipates ‘Final Victory’ for Miller
Wall Street Journal: Palin Hunts a Momma Grizzly
Politico: Murkowski attack ad boomerangs
New York Times: In Alaska, Two Names Not on the Ballot Play Roles
Newsminer: Joe Miller on the issues
American Thinker: Black Conservative Campaigns in Alaska for Joe Miller
Politco: Huckabee backs Palin’s Senate pick
Human Events: Joe Miller: The Real Conservative Deal
National Review: The Incumbent Hunter; Joe Miller looks to upset Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska
Fox News: Tea Party’s Next Wave Rising in Alaska to Colorado
KTUU: Murkowski, Miller prepare for Republican U.S. Senate primary (also, see video on this page)
Politico: Tea Party Express spends for Miller
Newsminer: Opponent Joe Miller critical of Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s debate schedule
Newsminer: Back to basics-Letter to the Editor
CNN: In David vs. Goliath fight, candidate aims to beat Alaska GOP senator
Wall Street Journal: Why Sarah Palin is backing an underdog challenger against a sitting GOP senator
New York Times: Murkowski Facing Opponent With ‘Serious’ Questions About Climate Science
American Spectator: Palin Power Strikes Home
Washington Post: Lisa Murkowski gives tea party another opening, but can it cash in?
Politico: Sarah Palin endorses Lisa Murkowski primary foe
US News & World Report: Palin Endorses GOP Challenger in Alaska Senate
Anchorage Daily News: Fairbanks Republican seeks support from conservatives
Daily News Miner: Fairbanks attorney files to run against Sen. Lisa Murkowski
KTUU: Miller plans to take on Murkowski in US Senate election