What The Nation Is Saying About Joe Miller

Anchorage Daily News: Senate candidate Miller explains views on federal spending


Rush Limbaugh: Senate RINOs Still Don’t Get It


American Thinker: How Bad Is Lisa Murkowski?


National Review: Fighting for Alaska


Associated Press:  “arguably the biggest political upset of the year”


ABC News headline:  “Huge Victory for Tea Party”

CBS News:  “arguably America’s biggest political upset of the year”

CNN News: “Mr. Miller’s surprising lead”

Fox News:  “a major upset”

NBC News:  “cannot overcome Joe Miller’s lead”

New York Times:  “Mr. Miller’s surprising lead”

USA Today:  “Miller caught the political world by surprise”

Wall Street Journal:  “‘Son of a gun, he did it!'”

Washington Post:  “third incumbent senator to lose”


Associated Press: Murkowski concedes Alaska primary race


National Review: Palin Anticipates ‘Final Victory’ for Miller


Wall Street Journal: Palin Hunts a Momma Grizzly


Politico: Murkowski attack ad boomerangs


New York Times: In Alaska, Two Names Not on the Ballot Play Roles


Newsminer: Joe Miller on the issues


American Thinker: Black Conservative Campaigns in Alaska for Joe Miller


Politco: Huckabee backs Palin’s Senate pick


Newsminer: Vote for integrity


Human Events: Joe Miller: The Real Conservative Deal


National Journal: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is facing a serious threat from the Palin-endorsed attorney Joe Miller in the state’s August 24 primary


Juneau Empire: Simple Truths


National Review: The Incumbent Hunter; Joe Miller looks to upset Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska


Fox News: Tea Party’s Next Wave Rising in Alaska to Colorado


KTUU: Murkowski, Miller prepare for Republican U.S. Senate primary (also, see video on this page)


Politico: Tea Party Express spends for Miller


Newsminer: Opponent Joe Miller critical of Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s debate schedule


Newsminer: Back to basics-Letter to the Editor


CNN: In David vs. Goliath fight, candidate aims to beat Alaska GOP senator


Wall Street Journal: Why Sarah Palin is backing an underdog challenger against a sitting GOP senator


New York Times: Murkowski Facing Opponent With ‘Serious’ Questions About Climate Science


American Spectator: Palin Power Strikes Home


Washington Post: Lisa Murkowski gives tea party another opening, but can it cash in?


Politico: Sarah Palin endorses Lisa Murkowski primary foe


US News & World Report: Palin Endorses GOP Challenger in Alaska Senate


Anchorage Daily News: Fairbanks Republican seeks support from conservatives


Daily News Miner: Fairbanks attorney files to run against Sen. Lisa Murkowski


KTUU: Miller plans to take on Murkowski in US Senate election

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Miller Calls Murkowski’s Support of Climate Change Legislation “Exhibit ‘A’ for Why She Needs to Go”

Cap and Trade Holds Costs We Cannot Bear

Earlier this week Senate Democrats and a select group of Republicans met with President Obama at the White House to work out a deal on cap-and-trade legislation. Senator Lisa Murkowski was among them. She has signaled during the past year a willingness to work with Democrats on cap-and-trade legislation. In an interview last October, Murkowski said, “I have been one of those Republicans who has stepped out front a little bit more on the issue of climate change” (see The Hill, “Murkowski Signals Interest in Compromise on Cap and Trade,” October 17, 2009). She believes manmade global warming is a fact and that the United States must take action, even with our economy still recovering from recession. She, in fact, co-sponsored a cap-and-trade Senate bill in 2007 (S.1766, July 11, 2007).

Miller calls Murkowski’s decision to meet with President Obama and the Democrats regarding moving this legislation forward, “Exhibit ‘A’ for why Senator Murkowski needs to go. At the very time she’s on the Alaskan airwaves pitching her conservative credentials to Primary voters, she’s huddled with the Democrats in a back room of the White House trying to cut a deal on sweeping climate change legislation.” Miller added that “the scientific support for climate change is dubious at best, and the massive new taxes and energy costs to families involved in seeking to convert to a carbon free economy is simply unbearable, given the fragile state of our economy.” By the Obama Administration’s own admission, the cost of cap-and-trade legislation will be significant: perhaps as high as between $100 and $200 billion in new taxes per year, depending on the final version passed (see CBSnews.com, “Obama Administration: Cap and Trade Could Cost Families $1761,” September 15, 2009). Miller believes that to meet our nation’s energy needs, we must focus on new exploration and production of traditional fuels, using the latest technology to minimize their impact on the environment. Harnessing the power of the wind, sun, tides and nuclear energy must also be part of the solution.

Alaskans need to know what Senator Murkowski’s true and long held views on cap-and-trade are. As with so many other issues, she stands with the Democrats and is out of touch with the views of most Alaskans.

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Miller Announces 12 Point Plan For Dealing With The Nation’s Spending Crisis

Role of Federal Government a Major Difference Between Senate Candidates

Anchorage, Alaska. June 28, 2010 — Today, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller unveiled his 12-point plan for dealing with our nation’s spending and debt crisis.  Miller believes that business as usual in Washington is driving our nation to the point of bankruptcy.  “Our country must change course very soon or face the fate of Greece: insolvency; but in our case there will be no one big enough to bail us out,” says Miller.  What is needed today is a concerted effort, from both houses of Congress, to acknowledge Congressional responsibility and immediately reverse irresponsible spending practices.


As a demonstration that Washington’s approach to our economic crisis remains unchanged, President Obama recently rolled out another bailout plan totaling $50 billion.  It was also reported earlier this month that the American taxpayer is on the hook for at least $160 billion to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Unfortunately, that total may go much higher (Bloomberg News, Fannie-Freddie Fix, 6/14/10).  Miller, who has a master’s degree in economics, added, “Regarding the overall federal budget picture, the President’s own projections have the National Debt reaching $20 trillion by the end of the decade; up from the record $13 trillion mark we just crossed last month.  The total size of the entire United States economy is only just over $14 trillion.  Current federal government spending levels no longer even have the appearance of sustainability.”


In essence, what we are doing today is transferring jobs and a higher standard of living from the future to the present, and debt is the mechanism we are using to do so.  We want to eat our cake now and we are willing to demand that our children pay for it.  Debt does not create opportunities, it limits opportunities; for our children and for every American who is forced to live under the debt created by a previous generation.  This is not an American tradition that we want to pass on. Thomas Jefferson echoed the sentiments of our Founding Fathers when he declared: “I sincerely believe…that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” (Letter to John Taylor, 1816.)


Joe Miller has committed to pursuing the following actions as our next United States Senator:


  1. Institute a balanced budget amendment:  Nearly all states have some form of balanced budget requirement.  It is time the federal government was subject to the same spending rules.  In 1998, the Senate defeated, by only one vote, a balanced budget amendment, which would have put an end to deficit spending.  Such an amendment will prevent Congress from increasing the National Debt beyond its present record level of $13.1 trillion.  Congress would have to submit a balanced budget to the president for signature.  Expenditures that exceed receipts would now require a three-fifths majority.
  2. End off-budget expenditures:  Receipts and disbursement from the Social Security Trust Funds, and general accounting for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, should be included within the federal budget so that our nation’s entire financial condition is open to public examination.
  3. Line Item Veto:  Most of our nation’s Governors have this power.  It is time that the President has the same authority to oversee the federal budget.  Joe Miller will pursue passage of a Constitutional Amendment to authorize the president to veto specific spending items.
  4. Require that unspent and repaid TARP funds be used to reduce the deficit: Congress allocated $700 billion in 2008.  Funds went to hundreds of banks, a few insurers and U.S. automakers.  However, approximately $300 billion has not been used; additionally, some funds have been repaid.  Over the past 18 months, President Obama and other members of Congress have repeatedly suggested taking the unspent and repaid funds and spending them elsewhere.  All unspent and repaid funds must be used to reduce the deficit and pay down the National Debt. Otherwise, the temptation to spend most of these funds on pet projects will be irresistible to the pro-spending lobby in Congress.
  5. No more bailouts:  Over the past 18 months the federal government has bailed out Bear Stearns, Bank of America, AIG, GE, Citigroup, automakers, Fannie/Freddie, amongst others.  It is time to end the idea that a single corporation is too big to fail. Such bailouts only encourage unwarranted risk taking that would not occur if businesses had to stand or fall on their own.  On the macro level, bailouts can have no other effect than taking money from the productive segments of the economy and placing it into segments of the economy that are less productive.  Such government interference inevitably rewards failure and punishes success.  Any policy that rewards failure is not only un-American, but is so at the expense of the health and soundness of our economy.
  6. Repeal ObamaCare/No New Entitlements:  This year the President passed ObamaCare, another new entitlement program, which is now estimated to cost $2 trillion over the next decade.  ObamaCare must be repealed. Likewise, for a nation in debt there should be a moratorium on the creation of new entitlements.
  7. Limit increases in government spending to the rate of inflation:  President Bush and the Republican Congress during the last decade were big spenders, but President Obama and his administration have taken this to a whole new level.  The total federal budget went from $2.3 trillion in 2000 to $3.04 trillion by 2008, after eight full years of the Bush Presidency.  It is now $3.6 trillion after only one full year of the Obama Administration (Federal Spending by the Numbers 2010, Heritage Foundation, 6/1/10).  The national deficit has more than tripled since Bush’s last full year in office, from $455 billion to a projected $1.6 trillion this year.  In order to stop deficit spending the federal government must cap spending to the rate of inflation plus the percentage of population growth, so that our government lives within its means just as families and businesses must do.
  8. End Czar layer of government:  The Obama Administration has created a parallel government by employing 38 Czars, at last count, which also diminishes the consent role of the Senate.  It not only clouds transparency in government, but it also adds another layer of government when the federal government should be downsizing.
  9. Hiring freeze for all non-essential government employees:  We, as a nation, should be encouraging job creation in the private sector, not within the government.  Rather than instituting a hiring freeze, as Ronald Reagan did when faced with a recession in the early 1980s, President Obama went on a hiring binge. This year, the federal government will reach its highest number of employees ever, at 2.15 million, topping 2 million for the first time since Bill Clinton declared, “the era of Big Government is over.”  (Largest Ever Federal Payroll, Washington Times, 2/2/10).
  10. Establish a Sunset Committee: This committee will scrutinize federal programs to determine if they are necessary and where they can be cut.  This committee will investigate duplication of services, waste, ineffectiveness, and will make sure programs are still necessary.  It will allow for greater accountability of tax dollars.  It will also determine what federal programs are best left for the states or local authorities, or are ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning.  On Capitol Hill, we have hundreds of committees devoted to spending our tax dollars. We need at least one committee looking at ways to cut spending consistent with efficiency and the U.S. Constitution.
  11. Earmark Reform: The process by which elected officials request and obtain appropriated funds must be reevaluated. This includes placing a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then requiring a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark.  Additionally, budget requests by members of Congress must be subject to the public hearings process.
  12. Congressional Reforms: The additional following reforms are needed to improve the over-all appropriations process. (1) Constitutional Authority – each bill will be required to specify the provision in the Constitution that gives to Congress the power to do what the bill does; (2) Limitation of Scope – Each bill shall pertain to only one issue.  There will be no “Omnibus” bills.  Neither will amendments be considered that do not pertain to the subject of the bill; and (3) Regular Order – Reinstitute open rules for appropriations bills, allowing for unlimited amendments and debate.


Business as usual in Washington is no longer an option: the road leads to financial ruin for our nation.  For the last eight years, Sen. Murkowski has, with few exceptions, been a wiling part of the government-spending explosion.  Faced with the decision of whether to listen to the concerns of her constituents and stand with Don Young in opposing the Wall Street bailout (TARP), she instead embraced the political wisdom of the day and voted for the bailout.  Alaskans remember her fateful words “I believe this bill puts us on the right track.”


Unfortunately for us, bailing out Wall Street has not put America on the right track. It has pushed America further into debt and closer to insolvency.  In her current role as Alaska’s Republican Senator, Murkowski was part of one of the largest expansions of domestic federal spending since Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.”  That it occurred under a Republican President, George W. Bush, and a Republican-led Congress is of little consolation to Alaskans.  Murkowski has voted repeatedly for the creation of new government entitlement programs and for the expansion of existing ones.  While these decisions may make political sense, they do not make economic sense and Alaskans deserve a Senator who sees beyond political costs and benefits in making her decisions.  During the last two years, under a Democratic-led Senate, she’s joined Democrats in voting for vast new spending measures against the protestations of her Republican colleagues.  “We need new leadership in Washington—Senator Murkowski’s record reflects an individual who is not willing to make the tough, principled decisions that will in fact put our nation back on the right track.” (Joe Miller)



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Miller Welcomes and Appreciates Tea Party’s Endorsement

I welcome and am deeply appreciative of the commitment that The Tea Party Express has made to play a very active role in this race.  The Tea Party movement embodies the ideals that birthed my decision to run: the belief that government is growing too large, and that we are on an unsustainable spending path as a nation. My opponent has been part of the problem in Washington; my commitment is to be part of the solution in helping return our nation to limited constitutional government.  I’m running to offer Alaskans a true conservative choice this August.


Tea Party Express logo


PDF of Tea Party Endorsement

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Miller Responds to Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s Endorsement

“I am thrilled that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has chosen to endorse my campaign for the United States Senate. We share the belief that our nation is at a crucial juncture. It is time for true change away from the long discredited notion that Big Government knows best and back towards our Constitutional moorings, rooted in individual freedom and personal responsibility. I look forward to getting this message out to the people of Alaska and, with their support, taking these values to Washington.”

Biographical Information:

Joe Miller is an Alaskan by choice. He grew up in a working class family in Kansas, and headed to the Last Frontier sixteen years ago because of his love for the outdoors. After graduating from law school, Miller accepted a position at a prestigious law firm in Anchorage. Just three years later, at the age of 30, he was appointed as a State Magistrate (the youngest then serving in Alaska) as well as a Superior Court Master for the Fourth Judicial District. Further honors followed four years later when Miller was appointed an Acting State District Court Judge and, shortly thereafter, U.S. Magistrate Judge in Fairbanks. Again, he had the distinction of being the youngest then serving in that federal position, not only in the state, but also in the entire nation. He was also the only judge in the United States, at that time, serving at both the federal and state levels simultaneously. In 2004, Miller stepped down from the bench to run for State Representative. He overwhelmingly won the contested Republican primary and nearly pulled off an upset in the general election receiving over 48% of the vote against the Democratic incumbent in a traditionally Democratic district: the closest re-election campaign the officeholder has ever faced. Joe returned to the successful full time practice of law at his own firm. He has represented clients in a wide variety of cases, a number of which have gone all the way to the Alaska Supreme Court. 

Prior to becoming an attorney and a judge, Miller served as an officer in the United States Army. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his leadership in combat during the First Gulf War. He received his commission from West Point, where he graduated with honors. Joe is also a graduate of Yale Law School and holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Alaska.

Joe currently lives with his family in Fairbanks where he practices law. His wife of 18 years, Kathleen, is a teacher and serves on the Alaska Judicial Council, a commission that makes recommendations to the Governor concerning Alaska judicial nominees.

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Campaign Newsletter #2



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Joe Pledges to Repeal ObamaCare; Murkowski…
Joe vs. Lisa Page Expanded
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Offshore Drilling Moratorium

Alaska U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Miller Opposes Obama Administration’s Offshore Drilling Moratorium. Believes Lisa Murkowski’s Views on Moratorium Out of Touch with Alaskans

The Obama Administration’s decision to put a six-month moratorium on new offshore drilling is wrong for the nation, and wrong for Alaska. It is a decision based on political expediency, not sound policy with the long-term energy needs of the country in view. The announcement caused the market to respond with a three-dollar-a-barrel spike in the price of oil. When coupled with continued Federal obstruction of development in ANWR and decreasing production from the North Slope, the signs are foreboding. For Alaskans it can only mean higher energy prices, fewer jobs, and less State revenue.


“This decision will cost Alaskans jobs and is yet another example of federal government overreach into the lives and livelihoods of the people of our State,” U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller said. He added, “The moratorium will mean that several projects scheduled for this summer will have to wait an entire year to get underway.” Both Democratic Senator Mark Begich and Republican Don Young share Miller’s belief that this is yet another unnecessary delay, and a knee-jerk political reaction not based on the facts.


On the other hand, Senator Lisa Murkowski offered a qualified endorsement of the moratorium. “If the delay is for a season to ensure we have the highest levels of protection in place, that’s one thing,” said Murkowski. “But if it means that existing permits are allowed to lapse – effectively killing Shell’s participation in Alaska – that’s not acceptable to me or Alaska.”


The truth is that there are thousands of offshore oil wells operating safely, and in an environmentally conscious way. Miller, who served for three years as a Commissioner on the Alaska Board of Marine Pilots (the commission that oversees pilotage service for the protection of shipping, the safety of human life and property, and the protection of the marine environment), notes that the drilling projects that were slated to begin this summer off the North Slope were to take place on the Outer Continental Shelf at depths of approximately 200 to 400 feet. Drilling at these depths is much safer, time-tested, and less susceptible to spills than the deep water drilling currently taking place at depths of more than 5,000 feet in the Gulf of Mexico. While the recent deep water drilling accident in the Gulf is tragic both in terms of those who lost their lives and its environmental impact, the proper response of government is not to exacerbate our nation’s energy and economic challenges still further by shutting down all new offshore drilling operations.


Murkowski’s support of the Obama Administration’s recent policy declaration is yet another example of how far out of touch she is with Alaska.

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Joe Miller Says No US Bailout for Greece

“Ask Lisa” if she is for international bailouts, too

Will Murkowski Share Same Fate as Bennett Due to TARP Vote?

Today Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller cautioned that Greece’s financial problems should serve as a forewarning to the United States Congress regarding excessive government spending.  Miller called upon Senator Lisa Murkowski to demand that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner reject the plan to provide U.S. financial assistance to Greece.

“Last week we saw the uncertainty in Greece’s financial system contribute to a 1000 point drop in the stock market.  This is what happens when a country is too far in debt.  Our nation is headed in the same direction if we don’t take action,” said Miller.  “We cannot continue to borrow against our future. It is a recipe for disaster.  It’s time to put a moratorium on government spending. Continuing to feed the destructive appetites of international redistributionist programs can only exacerbate our problems at home. No more bailouts!”

Miller believes that it is financially irresponsible for the U.S. to go further into debt to bail out Greece.  “Senator Murkowski should call on the Treasury Secretary to reject the plan to provide financial assistance to Greece via the International Monetary Fund,” stated Miller.   “If we bail out Greece, then we will be bailing out Spain . . . and Portugal . . . and Italy . . . and the UK.  Where will it end?”

Last Friday Senator Murkowski launched a social networking effort to “enhance communications” with constituents during this election season.  In response to her new-found outreach, Miller is asking her if she favors international bailouts along with national bailouts like TARP.

“We have bailed out the big banks, Wall Street, automakers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the insurance industry.  I urge our Senator to call on Secretary Geithner to reject this reckless spending.  No international bailouts,” said Miller.

Miller believes that Murkowski’s new communications efforts are in response to his campaign because she does not want to share the same election fate as Senator Robert Bennett, who was defeated on Saturday due to his support for TARP.

Presently the United States has a $1.4 trillion deficit along with a growing debt.  Over the past two years Congress has approved $700 billion for TARP which bails out the banks, $787 billion for the Stimulus Bill and no less than $1 trillion for Obamacare.

Miller is an Alaskan by choice.  He grew up in a working class family in Kansas, but headed to the Last Frontier sixteen years ago because of his love of the outdoors.  Following graduation from law school, Miller joined the prestigious firm of Condon Partnow & Sharrock in Anchorage.  He mastered the law quickly and three years later, at the age of 30, he was appointed as a State Magistrate (the youngest then serving in Alaska) as well as a Superior Court Master for the Fourth Judicial District.  Further honors followed four years later when Miller was appointed an Acting District Court Judge and, shortly thereafter, U.S. Magistrate Judge in Fairbanks.  Again, he had the distinction of being the youngest to serve in that federal position, not only in the state, but in the entire nation.  He was also the only judge in the United States that served at both the federal and state levels simultaneously.

In 2004, Miller stepped down from the bench to run for State Representative.  He readily won the contested Republican primary and nearly pulled off an upset in the general election coming within three percentage points of defeating the Democratic incumbent in a traditionally Democratic district: the closest re-election campaign the officeholder has ever faced.  Following the campaign, Joe returned to the practice of law.  He has represented clients in a wide variety of cases, some of which have gone all the way to the Alaskan Supreme Court.

Prior to becoming an attorney and a judge, Miller was officer in the United States Army.  He is a decorated veteran from the first Gulf War, receiving a bronze star for his actions in combat.  He received his commission from West Point, where he graduated with honors.  Joe is also a graduate of Yale Law School and holds a masters degree in economics from the University of Alaska.

Miller lives with his family in Fairbanks.  His wife of 18 years, Kathleen, is a teacher and serves on the Alaska Judicial Council.

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Campaign Newsletter #1



Sarah Palin Backs Joe
Joe Receives Endorsement from Alaska Right to Life
Joe Miller: In His Own Words
Anchorage Campaign Office Grand Opening Event
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