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315 search results for: federal corruption


One last chance for Republicans

The GOP has to get it right in 2012.  It will either return to its platform of small government, traditional values, and national sovereignty, or its conservative base will abandon it. The stakes are far too high for conservatives to support the candidacy of another business-as-usual, ruling class member. Not only are we faced with […]


Something Smells Fishy With Lisa Murkowski

Something Smells Fishy With Sen. Murkowski, Sen. Snowe and Rep. Frank By Tom Lamb (Red County):  Just as mysterious as the orange goo that washed up on the shores of northwest  Alaska, a mystery that surrounds an ex-aide to our Senator Lisa Murkowski by the name of Arne Fuglvog is unfolding. Last week, The Anchorage […]


Joe Miller Remarks: The End of the Beginning

Anchorage, Alaska. December 31, 2010 — Joe Miller made the following remarks announcing his decision to end his legal fight regarding the U.S. Senate election in Alaska: As many of you know, I am a father. I have 8 wonderful children and an extraordinary wife. One of the primary reasons I decided to run for […]


ICYMI – National Review: “Murkowski’s Quid Pro Quo” with Corporate Front Group “Alaskans Standing Together”

Joe Miller would reform a federal contracting program. Lisa Murkowski thinks Alaska is just getting its fair share. “Joe Miller has a plan for Alaska,” begins a commercial supporting Sen. Lisa Murkowski, which a new group called Alaskans Standing Together (AST) is spending nearly $600,000 to air in the state. The ad continues, “It erases […]